Well, I am back, I think!?! Actually, I was going to post this a couple of weeks ago, but since I was planning a trip away, I thought I better take care of that business instead of spending time here. We watched a video from Pastor Jim Cymbala at the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church in NY and it was very moving. He read the scripture where Jesus overturned tables and said that His house should be a house of prayer. Wow! I must admit, I never thought much about it really. To me, God's house is where I go to worship and praise Him and fellowship with other believers (totally Biblical, right?) But Jesus himself referred to His house as not these things, but a prayer house. So, why don't we spend more time there praying? Why do I not feel the need to attend our own prayer meetings? Why do I not even tell my friends how they could pray for me or vice versa? Well, it made me think anyway. So, here is what I propose: why don't we call on each other more regularly with our prayer needs, whatever they might be. It doesn't matter that for the most part my needs are not physical (the easiest and most heard requests). No mine are definitely more spiritual and emotional and dare I say, mental. Afterall, the battlefield is the mind. How about yours? Please join me in praying about this. You can start by lifting me up for guidance with my girls, one of which has been struggling with turning in assignments on time, and by praying I will be a great wife, even though I would love to have my husband home everynight and not travel (by the way, there might be a new lead in this area!). As I speak, colds are going through our home, so I do pray we will all be well so we can go to church together.
I know you all probably do pray, but the reminder to pray specifically always helps, doesn't it? And I will return the favor. I can picture each one of you right now and pray can't I ? Let me know specifically how I can pray for you and I will consider it an honor.
With Christ's love, Tricia