Is it only me who has a serious energy drain? Lately, it seems I have little energy and wonder what's going on! I know I've been busy, running around like crazy since before school started, but aren't we all busy??? Of course!!!! So, I'm just wondering if anyone else has this problem, or if you have any suggestions for energy boosters besides energy drinks. I really don't want to be dependent on those ;)
On another note, I was reading in Luke 18:18-19 where a rich ruler was asking Jesus how to have eternal life. What struck me this time was how the man called Jesus "Good Teacher" to which Jesus replied,"Why do you call me good? No one is good - except God alone." Certainly, his point was that since Jesus is God, He is good, but it just made me think how many times I have told my kids they were "good". Now, I have definitely tried to say they did a good job rather than simply telling them "good girl", but I know at times that is exactly what came out. If God alone is good, (and He is) then we should really be careful at how we use the word good. After all, how many people if polled whether we are good or bad, would say they are good? I would venture to say, most, Christian or not, would say they are good. The fact is, like it or not, we are actually bad at heart, which backs up the Bible in many places like Romans 3:23. I'm not saying we tell our kids they are bad, but I think they innately know even as little kids that they aren't all "ok" on there own. And you know, that IS A GOOD THING. It just backs up once again, the fact that we all need a savior. It gives us a chance to share that, yeah, on our own we're hurting, but with Jesus we can be healed.