Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Delaney's Room

Delaney's room before:

And after:

Since it seems redecorating children's rooms is a common theme recently, I thought I'd post before and after pictures of my daughter's room. Her "old" room was a two tone blue/white with pink hearts at the top for a border and a Cinderella I painted using a transparency. As you can imagine, at age 12, Cinderella has lost all appeal for my daughter. She was ready for a more grown up room. She and I were both happy with the results, and I hope it will last for the next 6 years at least!!!


Jill said...

Fabulous! And very grown up. I would think it should last her for a long time. Great job!

Jamie said...

I love it! It looks great. You did an amazing job.

Carol said...

Well, I would LOVE that room and I am 36 so she should be set for a while... ;)

Jeanine said...

It's BEAUTIFUL!!! WOW! Great job! I can't imagine it not lasting for several years. Very grown up! Can you come help me paint at my house? Oh...wait...Minnesota might be to far for a paint party!

Beth said...

Great job, Tricia! I love the color combo. I bet Delaney is very happy, and will be for years to come.

Wendi said...

I really like the colors. I actually was loooking for a turquoise/brown for my own room! I think it looks awesome! Good job.

kim said...

It's amazingly beautiful! I'm so thrilled I got to see it in person. Lucky, lucky me. Delaney's room will be the coolest on the block.