Monday, November 26, 2007

A List of 1000 Things

Okay, my family has taken the challenge to think of 1000 things we are thankful for before the end of the year. I must say we are off to a great start and have already passed number 100 . Yeah! I think it really does put things in perspective for me. Do I live in my dream house? No, but it is warm and plenty big. Do I always appreciate my husband's traveling job? No, but he does provide for our family through it. Are my kids perfect? No, but I can see God at work and his grace evident everyday. Now, this also doesn't mean I am not prone to complaining from time to time, but when I think of all that I have and all that matters maybe it will cause me to praise the giver of all good things instead.

"Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice." Phillipians 4:4

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Where's your foundation?

Tonight our family fitness group got together and talked about having a firm foundation built on Jesus Christ. He alone is the only foundation that cannot be shaken. Everything else in life is temporary and fleeting, but not Him. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I am so thankful for that. I hope and pray our kids(and I mean everyone's in the group) will have Jesus as their firm foundation and not trust in anything else. In fact, if you are reading this I hope this for you too!

I am reading this great book called The Way of Women and one character says to another going through a great tragedy something I thought very profound and true. " I only know one way , and that is Jesus. His name is the most powerful word in our world. I say His name, over and over, whenever things get so heavy and deep I cannot bear them. I say that name above all names until I can sing it. Only one word, easy to remember." Amazing! So, after reading that I decided to be more aware and just say His name in the midst of my trouble and you know what, it helped amazingly!!! Not that I didn't think it would, but I did not go on and on with all my babble, just His name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus....try it and you'll see.

The strangest thing happened tonight....

My husband went upstairs to check on the kids tonight and the strangest thing happened. Merrily and Cassidy came into our room and he asked them what they were doing. They replied they were here for their spanking. He looked at them like "what for?" to which they told him one had been up in the other's bed. He thought wow, what do I do with this? Thinking quickly, he told them he would show them some mercy and they could just get back to bed. They persisted and insisted by stating that he was supposed to spank them for their discipline. Well, he had to comply to our own rules, right? I just thought it amazing that they knew in their hearts what was wrong, admitted it and were willing to face the consequences. Maybe we are doing something right! Thank you Jesus!

The craziness begins!

Well, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Great food, relaxing afternoon, fun playing Mexican train with the big kids while the 3 little ones had fun together and the guys watched football. I couldn't have asked for a better day, and I only had to make green bean casserole! To top it off, today my wonderful hubby spent 5 hours under our house putting in a new electrical outlet so I can use this wonderful contraption without an extension cord. Praise the Lord!

So now for the craziness... figuring out what to get everyone for Christmas! Actually, I think I have most of that down, but I haven't a clue what to get the twins for their 6th birthday, the day after Christmas. I mean what do they really need for Christmas let alone their birthday the next day??? Someone please help! As I am writing this at 1:00 in the morning, not being able to sleep or slow my brain down despite the fact I took a tylenol pm an hour ago, their is no brainstorming going on here tonight! Oh well, I am reminded of the verse about not worrying, which reminds me how much I need to give everything to God, even my girl's birthday lists. If God gives you any ideas for me, I'd gladly listen!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


As I went to bed last night, I was thinking of things I was thankful to God for and the JOY acronymn (Jesus, others, you) came to mind. First, of course, I am thankful for Jesus and His continual transforming process he is doing in my life. I may have a long way to go, but I am world's away from where I used to be. I guess you could say I am getting closer to heaven, both physically and spiritually. Second, I am so thankful for everyone in my life and my friends are on the top of the list. Some of my friends and I got together at our favorite hangout, Starbucks to enjoy each other's company. What a blessing it always is to share life with these friends through encouragement and laughter! Last, after Jesus and others is myself. I am thankful that even though I am not perfect, my God and Savior loves me so much just the way I am, but loves me so much He doesn't want me to stay that way. No matter what challenges await for me there is always hope in Christ my Lord.

I hope you will have a blessed Thanksgiving enjoying the company of whoever you are with!

1 Thess. 5:18 "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Love, Tricia

Monday, November 5, 2007

Speaking of the Holidays!

The holidays are upon us and I thought I would share our newest idea, hopefully a new tradition. We usually draw names for adults on my husband's side of the family. (My siblings and I don't even do that) But this year we all agreed to forgo that and give to some christian charity in honor of each other. We are all so blessed and I figured our money would be more wisely used doing this instead of getting each other something we don't really need anyway. It's not that I don't love to give. I do! But I want to be a good steward of our money and let's face it, even Christians struggle with not giving into our culture's influence: MATERIALISM. So, this is just one more easy way to show our kids it's not about the gifts, but the giving. After all, God gave us the ultimate gift in Jesus. Shouldn't we be willing to give to Him at Christmas too? Maybe if we did, there would be more joy around this blessed day; I know there would be in mine and less stress!