Monday, November 26, 2007

A List of 1000 Things

Okay, my family has taken the challenge to think of 1000 things we are thankful for before the end of the year. I must say we are off to a great start and have already passed number 100 . Yeah! I think it really does put things in perspective for me. Do I live in my dream house? No, but it is warm and plenty big. Do I always appreciate my husband's traveling job? No, but he does provide for our family through it. Are my kids perfect? No, but I can see God at work and his grace evident everyday. Now, this also doesn't mean I am not prone to complaining from time to time, but when I think of all that I have and all that matters maybe it will cause me to praise the giver of all good things instead.

"Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice." Phillipians 4:4

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I don't know if this will really count on your 1,000 things to be thankful for list, but....guess what? I did my blog! It has only taken me about 2 hours, and I am so ready for bed.

But, before I head that direction, I want you to know that you have filled up many spots on my "Thankful For" list! You are a treasure of a friend.