Friday, February 1, 2008

Tea for Three!

Merrily and Cassidy each received a china tea set from my mom for their birthdays this year, so one of their favorite things to do is have a tea party. Today was one of those days. Merrily asked if we could have a tea party for lunch before kindergarten. I hesitated and thought to myself, "no, I really don't feel like doing that now. It's more work for me than what I feel like doing" but, I decided it was worth it. What mom wouldn't be honored to have such a special time with her girls?! They really do love it and enjoy practicing their "tea manners" so, I set to preparing lunch and tea while they set the table special for the occasion. It turned out to be a sweet moment with my daughters, and one I hope they will remember when they are grown.

1 comment:

kim said...

I love a good tea party. Sure wish we could drop by for one someday. Save us a place for tea this summer. Nae LOVES tea parties now...the whole thing...even the tea.