Monday, May 26, 2008

Goals for the summer...

I am really starting to get excited about summer. I've been outside more, walking the dog, noticing the sounds and smells and sights of summer, and it makes me happy to think of longer, lazier, fun-filled days. At least, that's the plan. However, if you're like me, too much fun leads to grumpy bears. There is so much truth in the fact that we need work and a purpose to find fulfillment. Boredom is a sure fire cause of complaining and discontentment, and while my kids might beg to differ that they would be completely happy with no structure for the summer, I've been a mom long enough to know that just won't work. So, in order for this to become reality (the fun part I mean), it means I need some goals and plans to help each of us in our house find the balance between work and play. After all, it would be far too easy for each of us to just take the lazy part and make a run with it. I think my kids would be TOTALLY happy to only wear a swimsuit and pajamas all summer, going from bed to the pool while only coming in for sleep and food. They would also then feel justified in not needing a bath! But of course, if you know me, I am just not that laid back or "nice", so my kids will have to adjust to the summer schedule. That's where my goals come in...on my list are a few things:

* doing a specific Bible study with the girls in addition to our regular Bible reading
* reading The Light and the Glory for Kids-to teach American Christian history
* reading a historical fiction book on someone who made a difference for God, I'm thinking of reading about George Muller
* not letting my kids brains go to pot, so there will be worksheets (but not too many)
* participating in the library reading program

I think this will keep us pretty busy, along with the swimming, but hopefully, we'll have great times learning together as well as having fun!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008


I have to take a moment and "brag" on my eldest. She has really been a blessing to me this week. I took her to lunch today since she got out of school early, and she really was sweet and appreciative, which is so refreshing ya know. At lunch, she got our drinks, mine first, then got extra salsa for us and even my take home box. She seemed to enjoy serving me. Wow! I know we all have good days and bad days, but I can really see God at work in her life, especially with her parents. Sisters, that could be another story, but she did even buy an bigger slurpee with her own money just so she could share with her sisters. I know these may seem like little things, but to me it shows her heart is becoming more like Jesus, little by little.

I've also been so blessed watching the Borms' and their newly adopted children. They are sweet, loving kids and this has all just touched my heart. Delaney, my eldest, has been touched by them also and has already gotten the privilege to bond with them Wed. and then get to watch them tonight for a couple of hours. I told Shana it was interesting that she called tonight because as we were going to lunch today, Delaney asked when we'd get to see them again. I told her I wasn't sure. Little did we know Delaney would get to watch them tonight! When I told her, she jumped up and down. Shana was pleasantly surprised by her enthusiasm. I am thankful for Delaney to get this opportunity to come alongside in a very small way at helping this family and learning about the gift of adoption at the same time.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Check this out

Go to Jill's blog
to hear something amazing.


It seems my questionaire has brought on more questions, so I'll clarify.

I love black licorice, especially the kind like good n plenty, but I like red as well.
I love playing Mario Cart on nintendo and spider solitaire on my computer.
Where would I adopt from? Good question, who knows, probably Africa.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm It...

I've been tagged to play along, thanks to Carol. Here are the rules: (post these first)

1. Each player answers questions about themselves.
2. At the end of the post, tag 5 people by posting their names.
3. Go to their site/blog and leave a comment telling them that they have been tagged, and to go to your blog.
4. Let the person who tagged you know when you've completed your tagged post.

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I just had Timmary on April 7th, so I had a newborn and a 26 mos. old. Wow!

2. What are 5 things on your "to do " list?
give the kids a bath
finish the laundry
do my Bible study for the week
make a phone call that is needed
start working on VBS

3. What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
any kind of chips
dried fruit
licorice candy from Winco (bulk section)

4. Name some things you'd do if you were a millionaire.
I'd travel the world, go on lots of mission trips, buy a new house, and probably adopt a child.

5. Name some places you've lived.
California and Washington

6. Name some bad habits you have.
I can tend to be lazy and spend too much time playing computer/nintendo games.

7. Jobs you've had.
I was a credit collector, accountant, preschool teacher, nursery coordinator and ice cream scooper/cake decorator!

8. Name those you are tagging.

(Ok, there's no one else, so I must stop at 3)

Hope you've enjoyed this!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Kids and shopping...

Today, I took the girls shopping at Target and decided to see if there was anything on clearance, since I can't refuse good bargains. ( Last night, I got Delaney a dress, and two shirts for $18!) Well, today there wasn't much on sale, but the twins found dresses, not on sale, and shoes also not on sale. I had just bought them a new pair the other day, at a good price, so they didn't need another pair, but how do you explain that. Especially when it was a pair their friend down the street has. I feel like I can't take them with me, because I will have to say no a million times! Add to that, the fact that their closet is full, maybe not all new clothes. In fact, most are hand me downs from their sisters or ones that still fit from last year. Of course, my fashionable "inner man" wants them to have the latest, but it just didn't seem necessary. Thankfully, there were no fits and we left without any purchases.

Next, we went to Winco since our cupboards have been bare for some time. Unlike fun clothes shopping, I really don't like grocery shopping. I think mostly because then I have to plan meals. you may have noticed there's no Monday menus on my blog!!! Oh well. At least, the cupboards are now full :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Variety is the spice of life...

This weekend was a mini retreat for ladies at our church. The subject: our personalities, based on the common four types: popular sanguine(it's all about fun), powerful choleric (leaders and those who take action), perfect melancholy (likes details and plans) and peaceful phlegmatic(need I say more).

Well, I pretty much already knew what mine was, melancholy (in case you didn't know), but I was wondering what yours is? It was interesting to learn how to relate to different people based on their personalities and your own. It's also neat to know that each of us is so special and we all have strengths and weaknesses. One of my weaknesses is being pessimistic. So, I can tend to focus more on my weaknesses and think I have no strengths, which isn't true. I work REALLY hard and being cheerful and giving thanks always. But I never equated this with my personality. I just thought there's something wrong with me. While God does want me to be full of hope, the fact that I'm not always doesn't have to make me feel bad, I just need to take that time to lean more on the transforming power of Jesus in my life.

I am thankful for each of my friends and their different personalities. You do add spice to my life, that could otherwise be blan. So for that I give thanks!

Friday, May 2, 2008

What will they think of next?.... Never mind, I don't want to know

Today, on Klove radio, I heard that British scientists are considered, if approved by the country, to merge tissues from human embryos with those of the chimapanzee. They would call it a humanzee!!! Crazy!!! Of course, they want to do this for the study and transplanting of organ/organ tissues. Anyway, they also said that if this passed it could/would cause a problem of bioethnics: would the "creature" be subject to human rights!!! Outrageous....I don't consider myself that smart, but come on! What are they thinking? Actually, I know...they aren't. Lord, please help us from messing with your creation.